Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What a difference.....

In my work, I wear scrubs, typically little to no makeup and my hair is pulled back in a ponytail. Its really just easier that way. I get up way too early to even think about makeup and hair. On my days off of work, I typically am dressed pretty much the same: yoga pants, a hoodie, no make-up and hair pulled back.

Today I was feeling uuber blah.....and said "self, lets put on some "real" clothes, some make up and do your hair!" Well, 2 out 3 were accomplished....I showered, put on a nice sweater and jeans, put on some make-up, the hair, well not so much, as it was time to get my daughter from school. (Don't judge me for showering at 2:15 pm.....I typically shower at night, before bed!!!)

Well, I feel a lot better, my kids and hubby were pleasantly surprised to see me out of "uniform"!! The kids asked where I was going....LOL.

Its a lesson, there is no reason why I cant spend a few minutes everyday to throw on my face, it makes a HUGE difference in my outlook

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Valentines Day decor continued

While out shopping today I stopped at the Dollar Store and picked up some cute decorations for Valentine's Day....was kinda disapointed by the selection.....but I got a make your own magnet kit, some ribbon, 2 baskets, a door hanger, some candy, candles and flowers....add that to the garland I already bought and here is the end result

If I do say so myself it turned out cute!!! Enjoy

Monday, January 21, 2013

Quick update

So, I havent really used this blog in a while.
A friend's blog help me to find my motivation again, 
thanks Angie!!

I was at the craft store with my kids today 
they had been given gift cards for Christmas and we 
finally got around to using them.

While at the craft store I saw some Valantine's Day garland, and it was 
cheap, so I bought 3 of them. 

This weekend I will go to the dollar store for 
some more decor, 
My goal is to start decorating for all holidays

Monday, December 10, 2012

Been awhile since I last posted

So much has been happening lately. Work is hectic, as always. Worked Fri-Sun, now am off til Thurs and happily so, especially since we are in the midst of state survey now. Those are NOT fun to work during.

I also finished my semester still carrying my 4.0!!! This semester has been the hardest thus far, next semester shouldnt be as bad, I am taking American History, Sociology, and Adolescent Development. I am hoping to maintain my 4.0!!! All the classes are online, so that helps at least, dont have to make any changes to schedule at work.

My youngest just turned 9. Where did the time go??? Seems like she was just born. I hate that they grow up so quickly!! Sniff, sniff. She celebrated all weekend last weekend, first was the friends bday party at our house on Saturday, and then Sunday evening my mom had cake and ice cream for her with all the family.

Last, but not least, I am finally back singing with the choir at church. Due to my insane work schedule, and the fact that I worked afternoons for the past 5 years, I wasn't able to participate and I missed it dearly. Since I had already been scheduled off almost every Wed (the night of practice) I asked if I could continue to have off most Wed ( I work 3 12 hour shifts per week). The schedule maker agreed and I am back in choir. I am used to singing Alto/2nd Soprano, but there was a need for more voices in the sopranos section, so I am bravely facing new territory! I still get to sing the 2nd soprano part when there is a split though!!! LOL. The little things that make me happy!!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Must be nice

Must be nice to be able to come into work, look at the assignment, and walk OUT OF THE BUILDING! Thursday, a nurse decided she didnt like the assignment and walked out. Obviously, she is no longer working for the facility. She didn't care, she had another job as well. Now we were already only 3 nurses (including her). So help me with the math....2 nurses for 3 units....yeah it doesn't add up. I ended up on rehab (the floor she didn't want) and the other nurse covered long term. Now we still have to deal with Living Center. The nurse from midnights stayed over until the supervisor came in and she worked that unit. So now we don't have a supervisor. Rehab is notorious for getting admissions whenever. I specifically asked the admissions director if we were supposed to be getting any admissions; I was told no; I was lied to. When I returned from lunch, there are 2 charts on my desk. I was about ready to cry. No, weep. I was beyond angry. I got done my med pass and most of the treatments, but I could NOT work on the admissions, there was literally no time. When midnights came in at 7pm, I apologized and explained that I asked if there were to be admits and I was told no. The midnight supervisor then told me that she had heard the Director of Nursing and the admissions director talking THAT VERY MORNING about the 2 admits, they were possible at that point. I was so mad. I helped as much as I could and finished up my charting but didnt get out of there til 9pm ( I am supposed to get off at 7:30!!) UGH

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hitting the wall

I get this way every semester. I get to the point where I am D-O-N-E. Unfortunately, according the calendar, the semester is not done.... lol

I think I just go at everything so gung ho and full of gusto that I run out of steam. Like tonight we have a test in lab on the brain, the eye and the tongue and I just do not want to study. I just want to curl up in a ball under a blanket and watch TV and zone out.

I think a lot has to do this semester with the new changes at work and all the stress that comes with that. Oh well, done with my ranting and raving. Just need to stop whining and start studying

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Such chaos

OMG I can not handle any more chaos in my life right now!!!

First of all, I thought that I had school all worked out and such. But I am not so sure. The more I am hearing, the more confused I am getting. The school I currently attend, I thought they started their first nursing class last fall. Um nope. It started THIS semester. So they would only be a year into their program when I started if I stay there. Which means I would be halfway done with my program by the time they got accredited. Scary. So I am thinking of transferring to another school that has a bridge program. I *hope* they will take my credits from way back when I graduated HS and went to YSU. That's the kicker. If they don't take my credits, I would have to re-take all those classes, which I am not willing to do. But if they do, their program is only 3 semesters. So I have to get on the ball this week, get my transcripts and see what they will take and when I can start.

Work is more chaos. Wed they had all the nursing staff in for an inservice meeting. We were "trained" on the new documentation system we are now using. I say "trained" because the lady from corporate went through a couple of screens, and said "any questions". The next day, Thursday, without any hands on training, the new system was rolled out. I had a melt down on the floor. I have 31 patients and you have a 2 hour window to give meds to be in compliance. Well, it wasnt working, I can tell ya that much. It was a nightmare, even with myself and my supervisor working together, we didnt get the meds passed in compliance. We devised a system of dividing the floor into thirds for the major med passes, so that, for example in the morning, the first third will be 8am meds, then 9am and 10am. It will help somewhat, but the blood sugars are still killing me. UGH.  I am sure that once we get the kinks worked out it will be fine, but for now its a NIGHTMARE.