Wednesday, October 10, 2012

more than 8 hours later....

I am taking my classes this semester, and most semesters, online. For me, its easier with my work schedule to not take them in a classroom setting. The only class that I took thus far in a traditional classroom setting, was statistics, I just didn't think I could learn it online.

This semester I have just 2 classes, Nutrition and Anatomy & Physiology. With online classes there is so much "busywork". For each class, each week I have at least 1 chapter to read (and in nutrition, normally 2 chapters), approximately 10 questions to answer in essay form, 1-2 discussion questions, responding to at least 2 other people's discussion questions and the quiz. This is for EACH class.

I think the time requirements are much greater for online classes than they are for traditional classes. I was working on nutrition all day long. I read 2 long chapters, probably 80 pages, did the assignment which was 13 essay questions between both chapters, and am getting ready to take the quiz. I will do the discussion question after work tomorrow night as I do not feel like looking up more information off the web right now.

Online classes are convenient in some ways but a major pain in the butt in other ways.

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