Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hitting the wall

I get this way every semester. I get to the point where I am D-O-N-E. Unfortunately, according the calendar, the semester is not done.... lol

I think I just go at everything so gung ho and full of gusto that I run out of steam. Like tonight we have a test in lab on the brain, the eye and the tongue and I just do not want to study. I just want to curl up in a ball under a blanket and watch TV and zone out.

I think a lot has to do this semester with the new changes at work and all the stress that comes with that. Oh well, done with my ranting and raving. Just need to stop whining and start studying


  1. Sometimes you gotta just let it out girl. Hang in there!

  2. Hang in there! When I was in beauty I would get the same way with the studying. I know how ya feel.

    I do the same thing hit everything full force and then run out of steam also.

  3. Sometimes you just NEED a break and I think a big issue is the weather change and with the holidays coming up. Your mind wants to shut down and just have a break. I hope you can just push through the rest of the semester and then have a nice break to recoop!

  4. thnks ladies. I only have 3 1/2 weeks left. I am pushing through, but taking longer and longer breaks while studying!!!
