Monday, December 10, 2012

Been awhile since I last posted

So much has been happening lately. Work is hectic, as always. Worked Fri-Sun, now am off til Thurs and happily so, especially since we are in the midst of state survey now. Those are NOT fun to work during.

I also finished my semester still carrying my 4.0!!! This semester has been the hardest thus far, next semester shouldnt be as bad, I am taking American History, Sociology, and Adolescent Development. I am hoping to maintain my 4.0!!! All the classes are online, so that helps at least, dont have to make any changes to schedule at work.

My youngest just turned 9. Where did the time go??? Seems like she was just born. I hate that they grow up so quickly!! Sniff, sniff. She celebrated all weekend last weekend, first was the friends bday party at our house on Saturday, and then Sunday evening my mom had cake and ice cream for her with all the family.

Last, but not least, I am finally back singing with the choir at church. Due to my insane work schedule, and the fact that I worked afternoons for the past 5 years, I wasn't able to participate and I missed it dearly. Since I had already been scheduled off almost every Wed (the night of practice) I asked if I could continue to have off most Wed ( I work 3 12 hour shifts per week). The schedule maker agreed and I am back in choir. I am used to singing Alto/2nd Soprano, but there was a need for more voices in the sopranos section, so I am bravely facing new territory! I still get to sing the 2nd soprano part when there is a split though!!! LOL. The little things that make me happy!!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Must be nice

Must be nice to be able to come into work, look at the assignment, and walk OUT OF THE BUILDING! Thursday, a nurse decided she didnt like the assignment and walked out. Obviously, she is no longer working for the facility. She didn't care, she had another job as well. Now we were already only 3 nurses (including her). So help me with the math....2 nurses for 3 units....yeah it doesn't add up. I ended up on rehab (the floor she didn't want) and the other nurse covered long term. Now we still have to deal with Living Center. The nurse from midnights stayed over until the supervisor came in and she worked that unit. So now we don't have a supervisor. Rehab is notorious for getting admissions whenever. I specifically asked the admissions director if we were supposed to be getting any admissions; I was told no; I was lied to. When I returned from lunch, there are 2 charts on my desk. I was about ready to cry. No, weep. I was beyond angry. I got done my med pass and most of the treatments, but I could NOT work on the admissions, there was literally no time. When midnights came in at 7pm, I apologized and explained that I asked if there were to be admits and I was told no. The midnight supervisor then told me that she had heard the Director of Nursing and the admissions director talking THAT VERY MORNING about the 2 admits, they were possible at that point. I was so mad. I helped as much as I could and finished up my charting but didnt get out of there til 9pm ( I am supposed to get off at 7:30!!) UGH

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hitting the wall

I get this way every semester. I get to the point where I am D-O-N-E. Unfortunately, according the calendar, the semester is not done.... lol

I think I just go at everything so gung ho and full of gusto that I run out of steam. Like tonight we have a test in lab on the brain, the eye and the tongue and I just do not want to study. I just want to curl up in a ball under a blanket and watch TV and zone out.

I think a lot has to do this semester with the new changes at work and all the stress that comes with that. Oh well, done with my ranting and raving. Just need to stop whining and start studying

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Such chaos

OMG I can not handle any more chaos in my life right now!!!

First of all, I thought that I had school all worked out and such. But I am not so sure. The more I am hearing, the more confused I am getting. The school I currently attend, I thought they started their first nursing class last fall. Um nope. It started THIS semester. So they would only be a year into their program when I started if I stay there. Which means I would be halfway done with my program by the time they got accredited. Scary. So I am thinking of transferring to another school that has a bridge program. I *hope* they will take my credits from way back when I graduated HS and went to YSU. That's the kicker. If they don't take my credits, I would have to re-take all those classes, which I am not willing to do. But if they do, their program is only 3 semesters. So I have to get on the ball this week, get my transcripts and see what they will take and when I can start.

Work is more chaos. Wed they had all the nursing staff in for an inservice meeting. We were "trained" on the new documentation system we are now using. I say "trained" because the lady from corporate went through a couple of screens, and said "any questions". The next day, Thursday, without any hands on training, the new system was rolled out. I had a melt down on the floor. I have 31 patients and you have a 2 hour window to give meds to be in compliance. Well, it wasnt working, I can tell ya that much. It was a nightmare, even with myself and my supervisor working together, we didnt get the meds passed in compliance. We devised a system of dividing the floor into thirds for the major med passes, so that, for example in the morning, the first third will be 8am meds, then 9am and 10am. It will help somewhat, but the blood sugars are still killing me. UGH.  I am sure that once we get the kinks worked out it will be fine, but for now its a NIGHTMARE.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What a headache

This college stuff is HARD!!! If you do not maintain a certain number of credit hours per semester you are not eligible for financial aid. Once in the actual nursing program, there was a semester in which I would only have 3 credit hours (bad). So I had to save a support class to take that semester. I have 2 support classes left, A&P II and Microbiology. I will take microbiology along with my nursing classes. That leaves me with A&P II, which is 4 credit hours. Uh-oh, I am below the hours needed for loans to kick in. My solution is this. Take sociology. Yes I took it back at YSU and passed and technically (though it is required for the nursing program) I do not have to take it, I see no other option. I really cant afford to pay out of pocket for 1 class, and they (by which I mean the people who decide whether or not they will pay for my classes) are not very lenient in which classes you can take, it has to pertain to your major. I had to fight for nutrition this semester, just so I wasn't in the very boat I am trying to avoid being in. Very frustrating. Have I mentioned how happy I will be once I graduate. I am sick of the headaches.

Decision time

I am coming up on some major decisions

The school that I am currently attending just got its nursing program. The class that started last fall semester is its first class. Prior to that the school of nursing was through another college. So because the first class hasn't graduated yet, the school is not as of yet accredited. I am looking (if I attend there) to be enrolled in fall of 2013, and they will graduate their first class in Spring 2013, shortly after I would have started.

Another school in the "area" has a school of nursing that is also ADRN (associate degree). I say in the "area" because the campus is about a 45 minute drive from my home. Now, a lot of the classes I am taking now would transfer over and count towards my pre requrisites. And the support classes can be done online. But I dont know that I want to drive 45 for my classes and clinicals.

Input would be greatly appreciated

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So 2 weeks ago in A&P we had our bones was killer. And I thought I really had the axial skeleton down pat so I focused my time and attention while studying on the appendicular skeleton. I got in there and the info flew right out of my brain.....bye bye

Stuff I knew that I knew that I knew I blanked on.
Holy crud, I thought for sure I failed.
So imagine my great surprise this evening when I got my grade....80/100!!!!! I was ready to do backflips!!
In 2 weeks we have our next exam, it covers the eye and the brain....let the fun begin!

Monday, October 15, 2012

wish I had gotten the memo

So apparently I did NOT get the memo at work today. Ya know, the one where its call off/change your schedule/quit, day! I am not joking. Today we had someone in management quit, someone call off, and when one didn't show up, she assured it was because she dropped to part time, thus she had the day off.In case you were wondering, my day was peachy keen


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

more than 8 hours later....

I am taking my classes this semester, and most semesters, online. For me, its easier with my work schedule to not take them in a classroom setting. The only class that I took thus far in a traditional classroom setting, was statistics, I just didn't think I could learn it online.

This semester I have just 2 classes, Nutrition and Anatomy & Physiology. With online classes there is so much "busywork". For each class, each week I have at least 1 chapter to read (and in nutrition, normally 2 chapters), approximately 10 questions to answer in essay form, 1-2 discussion questions, responding to at least 2 other people's discussion questions and the quiz. This is for EACH class.

I think the time requirements are much greater for online classes than they are for traditional classes. I was working on nutrition all day long. I read 2 long chapters, probably 80 pages, did the assignment which was 13 essay questions between both chapters, and am getting ready to take the quiz. I will do the discussion question after work tomorrow night as I do not feel like looking up more information off the web right now.

Online classes are convenient in some ways but a major pain in the butt in other ways.

2 days in a row

I had yesterday and today off work. Felt good to relax.

I got some studying done, but beyond that, not too darn much. And I needed that downtime. Listened to some good uplifting music and recharged my batteries. Days like that were much needed. To have some alone time.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I have bones on the brain!!! LOL. I have been studying so much for my lab test Tuesday night. Its not just the bones, but the surfaces, the trachanters, the tubercles, the fossa. All the bones of the wrist and ankle.....ugh

Studying like a mad woman, in my A&P lab book there is an access code for online modules, showing all the bones with identification of the surfaces.

Must be sinking in as last night I was dreaming of the ankle bones: talus, calcecanous, cuboid, navicular, medial, intermediate and lateral cuneform.....I'm both proud and sad that I know them

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Hello, and welcome.

I am a working mother, wife, and student. It can be downright difficult to juggle it all, but juggle it I do. I am currently working in a long term care facility as an LPN, but am in the midst of studies to achieve my RN. I would love to either work in labor/delivery or surgery. Not decided yet. Have a while to decide, as right now I am still working on my pre requistits. This semester I am taking Nutrition and Anatomy & Physiology. FUN!!!!!!! Yeah right.

I hope to share my life, the ups and downs, and some fun along the way!